A Verdadeira Essência de Nova York Segundo Ted Mosby


- West Orange, New Jersey? You guys live in New Jersey, not New York? New Jersey?
- Yea, but don't worry, it's pretty much the same.
- No. Oh, no. New Jersey is not «pretty much» New York. You two are not «pretty much» New Yorkers.
- And how would you know?
- Because I live here! That's right: I LIVE HERE. Yes, we're full of crap. Yes, we pretended we were from out of town so we could sleep with you two and leave in the morning. But you know what's even worse than that? Saying you're a New Yorker when you're not. Because this is the greatest city in the world and you have to earn the right to call yourself a New Yorker. So why won't you girls crawl into the open sewer pipe hole you call the Holland Tunnel and flush yourselves back to «pretty much» New York? Because I would do a lot to get laid, but I would NOT go to New Jersey!
Josh Radnor, em How I Met Your Mother
('Foi Assim Que Aconteceu')

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